
Peninsular buildings released!

After the release of the figure ranges earlier in the summer it's now time to add the buildings from our Peninsular project too, made by the talented John at Ironclad Miniatures.  The Mediterranean style is useful across most of southern Europe, from the 18th century through the Peninsular War to the Spanish Civil Wars and beyond.  

Resin Scenery
Peninsular Spain
SCN-NAP1   Small Spanish house, type 1 
SCN-NAP2   Small Spanish house, type 2 
SCN-NAP3   Small Spanish house, type 3 
SCN-NAP4   Large Spanish house, type 1 
SCN-NAP5   Large Spanish house, type 2 
SCN-NAP6   Spanish Villa  
SCN-NAP7   Spanish Tavern  
SCN-NAP8   Church 
SCN-NAP9   Hermitage 
SCN-NAP10   Windmill
SCN-NAP11   Cemetary
SCN-NAP12   Accessories (fountain, shrines, troughs)
SCN-NAP13   Small shacks 
SCN-NAP14   Small barns